Trump Is Trying To Get The Release Of Jack Smith’s 1/6 Evidence Delayed

Trump’s lawyers have asked Judge Chutkan to delay the release of Jack Smith’s 1/6 evidence against Trump after the election.

In a filing, Trump’s lawyers wrote:

President Trump objected to the public release of the Special Counsel’s filings, arguing, inter alia, that: (1) the Constitution as well as the rules of criminal procedure do not permit the Special Counsel to pre-emptively defend its own lawless superseding indictment, prior to any defense motion, and (2) publication of cherry-picked materials, which the Special Counsel describes as “a detailed statement of [its] case,” Doc. 252 at 2, would prejudice potential jurors and endanger potential witnesses—especially in light of the extraordinary media coverage of this case (and immunity filings specifically) and the Presidential election that is less than 3 weeks away—and also irreparably harm President Trump .

Trump is worried that the release of the evidence against him will hurt his chances of winning the presidential election, and remember that Trump needs to win the presidential election to make his federal trial for attempting to overthrow the government disappear.

Judge Chutkan has already made it clear that the election is of no concern to the court, and that Donald Trump’s election chances should not be given special treatment in the 1/6 case.

Trump’s lawyers can’t make any argument against the evidence, so they have to make it about the election.

Donald Trump’s election chances seem to be fading by the day, so soon his stall tactics may be pointless.

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Jason Easley
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