Everyday we’re encouraged to go out and change the world and make it a better place. But how can one person truly have a genuine impact?
I like the advice one woman gave to her six-year-old nephew when he asked her how to change the world. She told him to imagine a circle around him then said, “You change the world by doing what’s right in the three feet around you.”
That’s wisdom even a six-year-old can understand. The world is too big and suffers too many problems for one person to solve, especially ordinary people like you and me. What we can do, however, is positively influence the people immediately around us.
That starts by taking a look around. Who do you see? A friend? A family member? How about a neighbor or a coworker? It’s easier than you think to make a positive difference. Cook dinner for someone who’s sick. Volunteer at a shelter. Make an extra donation to your favorite charity.
And don’t underestimate the power of simple acts of kindness like buying coffee for the person behind you in line, or holding the door open for someone. Blessing someone with a brighter day is no small thing. In fact, it’s the whole point.
No one person can change the whole world, but each of us can make our individual worlds a better place. It happens bit by bit as we bless the lives of the people in the three feet around us.